]The Mystical, Prophetical, Spiritual, Genius of Aldous Huxley

3 years ago

Aldous Huxley, (26 July 1894 – 22 November 1963), was an author, philosopher, mystic, and early psychedelic enthusiast. He was also one of the greatest minds of the 20th century. He had so many concepts that we have no terms for that he would ultimately add seven words to the Oxford Dictionary.
Most well-known for his dystopian novel "Brave New World," and his short work on psychedelics, "The Doors of Perception," (from William Blake, "If the doors of perception were cleansed man would see the world as it is; infinite. The rock band "The Doors" also derived their name form this title) he wrote nearly 50 books, and a mountain of essays.
This video is a collection of Huxley's most brilliant, poignant, quotes set against a brilliant cartoon by Steve Cutts called "Man", with a soundtrack by Leonard Cohen. I am amazed at how this came out. It was if the process were assisted by actual magick, as the lyrics, quotes, and imagery synch in remarkable ways, and repeatedly, without conscious effort on my part. The subject is propaganda, totalitarianism, and a critique of modern society that although nearly 100 years old, could have been written yesterday. The Leaonard Cohen song is from the Natural Born Killers soundtrack, and I included the scene that it leads into. If you are familiar with the movie, and know what Robert Downey Jr's character symbolized, you will understand why. If not, it will appear to be random, senseless violence.
In part 2 we move onto mysticism, with a scene form the Jim Henson movie "Labyrinth," and then on to pt. 3, psychedelics and psychedelic mysticism
with graphics and sound by Man Of No Ego - Lightworks (432hz album).
I am honored and thrilled to present this enlightening and powerful piece of media. It may be the most concise elucidation that you will encounter on any of these subjects without diving headlong into Huxley's immense catalogue. Here I have done the heavy lifting and organized the gems into a short and entertaining video.

Chapters: Propaganda, totalitarianism, toxic society 0:00-4:45, The Labyrinthine Flux: 4:46-6:04 Spirituality: 6:05-10:59, Psychedelics: 11:00

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