The Truth About the US Political Agenda, and the Poly-trick-all Shitstem's True Purpose

2 years ago

There is an old African proverb that I have considered getting tattooed on my forehead so I don't have to say it so often. "He who tells the truth has few friends." This is a lesson I have learned the hard way. Trying to explain to Americans that both Trump and Biden are puppets for the same interests, that Bidens record of racism, even while campaigning, trumped Trumps, and or the evil deeds of Harris' career won me few friends. Reminding Trumpers, many of whom were convinced that Trump would save all of the children of the world from pedos, of comments made by Trump about his own then 13 year old daughter proved vain as well. I was chewed up nd spit out by both sides of the aisle. Which is really dumb and unfortunate, because I was right, and everything that I was saying was true. No one, and I repeat no one, who is allied with the People over Big Business, is going to be allowed anywhere near the phucking White House.
All political shistems are scams, shams, and worse. American Democracy is a joke, and the populace an even bigger joke. Still, few are laughing, because although the comedic-tragedy element is raging like a rabid, mentally-disabled bull with dildos for horns, its too dangerous to be very funny. Indoctrinated, brainwashed, unthinking, undereducated, apathetic, apes with leaders that are in possession of a nuclear arsenal, one they have already proven willing to use, are acting totally unchecked, do to the aforementioned qualities of the apes that they are supposed to answer to.
While it is true that the focus of the propaganda of late has been focused primarily on the Left, the Right is also being totally and completely bamboozzled. Nothing new there. But this is where we will focus our attention tonight.
The point of this rant is that I have a conspiracy theory of my own; one which ignores the bulk of the well known theories, and seems so painfully obvious that I am nearly 100% certain that is true. I call it my own, because I have only ever heard a few faint whispers of it. It seems that no one suspects the obvious. Once realized, it is nearly undeniable. There is a lot riding on a proper diagnosis if we are to avoid a terminal prognosis at this point. The reality is that there is only one answer, one possible development that could turn it all around. And don't even trip...I've got it in my pocket, no cap.
Pow-wow hoy noche.

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