👮🏻‍♀️👮🏻👮🏻‍♂️BRUTS at COUTTS🤟🏻

3 years ago

👮🏻‍♀️👮🏻👮🏻‍♂️BRUTS at COUTTS🤟🏻

This is how they operate.
Just like the way they approached #arturpawlowskicalgary at his church before his first arrest.
They come with a warning and threatening choices.
This is stage one as they prepare for a total assault. They don’t move before a first warring. It’s procedure.

They are tyrants protecting tyrants.

Never trust the blue!

#justsayno #Canada #Ontario #couttsborder #RCMP #Quebec #Toronto #montreal #lockdowns #Treason #arturpawlowskicalgary #mtlblog #rebelnews #Police #FreeMasons #puppets #symbolism #blogplug #justintrudeau #francoislegault #truckersforfreedom #freedomconvoy2022🔥 #globalnews #journaldemontreal #montrealgazette #cbcnews #ctvnews #cjad800

#BackTheBlue will be the end of you🤟🏻

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