Flower essence reading "Inner workings, I feel safe and nurtured to express myself"

2 years ago

If this essence combo resonates with you. I can make you an essence for $20 plus shipping and taxes. Contact me at emerginglight1111@gmail.com
If you would like your own reading I charge $55

A flower essence contains no part of the plant it was made from. It is not a tincture or and oil. It contains only the energetic imprint and healing properties of the plant crystal mineral or deity. It works on the physical body, mental body, emotional body and etheric body. This is why it is such a powerful energy medicine.
I've spent much of my adult life studying and honing my gifts in the metaphysical realms.  I work with flower essences, sound healing using my voice, tuning forks, singing bowls,  and other sound devices. I also use crystals in all my treatments. I am a trained in Magnified Healing. It is a 5th dimensional healing modality using the violet flame of St Germain and Quan Yin. I am also a Keeper of the Flame with St Germain. I like to combine all of my modalities into one to guide you to your own healing with sound, flower essences, the violet flame, EFT, crystals, pendulums, tarot and working with the Acended Masters and God.
If you feel the call please reach out to me I would love to work with you.......

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