DPM Stories - Cambodian prison & drug rehab ministry

2 years ago

Cambodia experienced its darkest time during the Khmer Rouge regime from 1975 to 1979 when more than two million educated people were killed. Educated elderly people are now very rare and so precious in this country. Today, fifty percent of the Cambodian population are younger than 22 years old – that is a staggering figure! And this young generation desperately need mature Christians and sound Bible teaching material to train them.

Thanks to your generous giving over the past year, Mr Huy and our Derek Prince Ministries team in Cambodia have been able to provide Derek’s books free of charge at numerous training seminars for pastors and Christian leaders, along with holding several evangelistic outreaches and equipping Bible college graduates with gift packs of Derek’s books. These are vital resources for these young leaders who otherwise would have extremely limited access to Bible teaching material.

Read more at our Asia-Pacific Regional Website....

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