Vaccination Nazis (Funny Parody of Keith Olbermann Rant)

3 years ago

Vaccination Nazis strike again! Keith Olbermann is afraid of Joe Rogan and other #unvaccinated people, so one of his disciples, Larry Libbman, recorded this video to warn the unvaccinated about what will happen to them if they do not comply with the benevolent programs of their #elite overlords. In other words, conform or perish, cowards! Consider it a final solution to the unvaccinated problem!

0:00 Intro
0:59 Ranting about Joe Rogan
1:58 Vaccinations über alles!
4:11 Get vaccinated & keep masking up outside
5:09 Screw your freedoms!

**Please note: this is a *satire* video. This publisher of this video disclaims any and all appearances of providing any advice concerning health or vaccination; any and all statements made in this video are for comedic purposes only. Nothing in this video should be construed as medical advice. Viewers should conduct their own research and make their own medical decisions in consultation with a licensed physician**

#JoeRogan #KeithOlbermann #afraid #video #mandates #nazis #snowflake #rant #comedy #humor #humour #satire #parody

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