3 years ago

where we embrace the importance of the patriarch

it is essential to have father figures in our lives

fatherless homes cultivate a fatherless society

and what the hell do i mean by that

well the individual makes up the collective

so if a majority of the individuals

are bat shit crazy then umm


and my rebuttal is where have all the good societies gone

according to the us census bureau in a 2021 study

18.4 million children live without

a biological, step, or adoptive father

what the hell

this is 1 in 4 kid without a father figure

in the home, THE HOME

a place where life lessons and examples

and direction should be initiated

where young men are taught

what it means to be man

and young girls are provided with

healthy examples of how a man SHOULD treat a woman

and how a woman SHOULD treat a man

noticed i said SHOULD

in a hypothetical world those 3 out of 4

homes are the perfect fairytale

ice cream, bday parties and pizza

BUT GOD we all know that fairytale

really never existed, probably never will

so lets play it safe

let's divide the 3/4 of father figures

by TWO because i'm suggesting half those

homes have some form of degenerate behavior

let's add the 1/4 fatherless homes

and i think we get something like 6/10

or something, don't be afraid to check my math

im NO mathematical genius

so hell 60% of homes possibly are

engaged in some form of unhealthy behavior

alcoholism, addiction, narcissism, abuse,

physically and emotionally etc etc

you get the point we all have our stories

and experiences

SOO in a woke culture.... a femisint culture

they want to see the reduction of mans
role and all his quote... unquote oppressive patriarchy

BUUT the study reveals the issues with

this father factor in society

children without a father figure

are at 4x time greater risk of poverty

more likely to have behavioral issues

more likely to commit a crime

7x time more likely to become pregnant as a teen

more likely to face abuse and neglect

2x more likely to face obesity

2x more likely to drop out of high school

my god, i mean really

we witness generations of fat dumb

crazy degenerates and we wonder why???

ACCORDING to MY stats 60% of homes

are in a state of unhealthy behavior

cCRAAZZYY how that resembles the divorce rate

but that's another video

a father is supposed to represent strength

character, resilience, leadership and authority

        funny how we see a lack of

those characteristics in this fatherless society

and let me say this i had a good father

in my home, a damn good man

and i still was a degenerate punk until

i had no other option but to climb

out of this misery i myself dug

so of course there will always be the exception

but at least i HAVE a role model, something to emulate

how many of us have no personal examples to follow

and so why does society currently seem to be

one big shit house....hmmm

and there are so many variables that play into this

so many currents of thought that COULD

and SHOULD be discussed

but from experience

and statistically speaking

fatherless homes are susceptible to weakness

and the individuals from the fatherless homes

make up the collective

if half of the individuals have no

direction to emulate

its safe to say half the population may

have no admirable direction as well

i love you guys i respect you guys

let us recognize the importance of good men

in their role in a good society

you will hear from me next episode

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