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Russia is very angry and will attack America

3 years ago

Russia is super angry now and we are in danger of being attacked at any time now, God will use Russia, Iran, China and north Korea to attack America and destroy America because America will get God judgment and there is no going back at all, like when Babylon attacked jersalem the Jews thought Jeremiah was joking but when Babylon attacked they said pray for us Jeremiah and he said no you refused to repent and it is to late now!! Same with America it is to late to repent now, Jesus is coming now and the rapture will happen and thousands of people will be gone and those left behind will know that they got left behind and are in the tribulation period!! And if you rejected Jesus you will see Jesus as your Judge and He will judge everyone who rejected Him at the great white throne judgement and there is no escape!! Then I saw a great white throne judgement and Him who sat on it and heaven and earth fled from His site and the dead were all called up and the sea gave up the dead that was in it and death and hades gave up the dead that were in it, and books were opened and everyone was judged according to what was written in the books and if anyone name was not found written in the Lamb book of life they were thrown into the lake of fire and will be tormented forever and ever, those who never heard about God will not be judged as servere as those who heard about God in church and rejected Jesus because they thought they could get to heaven by being a church member and going to church all the time, there will be no one defending you at all at the great white throne judgement it is final and you are before a holy angry God who will say I sent people to tell you about Me but you laughed and thought I was a joke I am not mocked!! I said to not steal! But I didn't steal! I said don't kill anyone but I didn't kill anyone!! Depart from me you worker of inquinity for I never knew you!! Jesus will say this to everyone at the great white throne judgement and it is the final judgement for everyone who rejected Jesus as Savior and will all be here and judged and it will happen! You rejected Jesus you will be at the great white throne judgement and it will be final and you will be thrown into the lake of fire because your name is not found written in the Lamb book of life


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