A Way Out

2 years ago

Don’t you wish everything was so perfectly clear and you knew exactly what to do!? If only life was like that! Life is so up and down and sometimes so very hard to navigate in these uncharted waters of our time. Our culture now-a-days seems so crazy-cra-cra in that upside down kind of way. We never know what will come our way, and suddenly everything can feel like it is running fast, downhill without brakes. There are times it is so foggy, that we just can’t see ahead. Oh my gosh, we need to stay so alert to God’s Presence in times such as these. We need to stay so close to Him, in a tight followship of His discernment, way, truth and light. The cool thing is, God sees us. Yes, GOD SEES US! He is a God Who sees in the dark, sees in the fog, and nothing is ever unclear to Him. God Knows All! Our God is a Light that no darkness can extinguish. We, with His help, and navigation, can clearly know the way He is setting our feet too, as He lights the path one step at a time. Sometimes, we just can’t see the way ahead at all, as life can get so fogged in, and when it is like that, we need to ask God to be our navigator. He can. He will. So many times, I have not been able to see ahead, the confusion was so thick, but I kept going, kept doing the very last thing God asked me to do. This is a really wise thing to do, keep going in the direction God gave you, with the vision He has already imparted to you. If we remain in steady trust and keep asking God for direction, there is no doubt about it, God will interrupt the confusion with a new clarity. The enemy will throw as much fog our way as possible, and it will be so hard to navigate clearly, but we still will have clarity from God, miraculously so. God will make a way for us, even when we are not sure we will make it safely through the maneuvering of the difficult times we face, moments where the crooked paths of cultural chaos intertwine and try to dead end us. Our Way-Maker God will never leave us or forsake us. Stuck in a dark dead end? Don’t fret, the clarity will come, and God will make a way out where there seems to be no way. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/yet-in-darkness/

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