100+ Subscribers! | THANK Y’ALL!

3 years ago

So hey - I guess this is a thing! 100+ YouTube subscribers! 🙌🏻🎉


Around this time last year I thought I’d start a YouTube channel as I decided to “no-build, build” a microcamper out of our minivan. Being locked down and access to Amazon and Home Depot helped 😁.

My initial videos for that channel started out in Canva as some audio by me but mostly no-face PowerPoint types. See “KarahVan Chronicles”.

I’ve watched a lot of videos… And I feel like I’ve even made a couple of new friends that I still hope to see out there one day! 😎

But I kept feeling like God was telling me to share my health journey; by “how to” videos of my life - specifically as an ostomate.

“There’s plenty of others out there doing it already - and very well”, I said.

And then I felt like He was saying to me, “yes, but I’m asking you”. And trust me God used my husband to confirm. After all, I’d be showing my belly and my girl Ripley to the world. Not to mention eventually having some new expenses as my skills grew and requiring him to be the first person that watches a video before it publishes 😎.

So the ostomy channel was born.

I’ve called it a few different names trying to really hone in on the mission and still be focused where people that just needed information could find it.

I can’t really separate my Inflammatory Bowel Disease, my ileostomy, my other autoimmune issues nor my 30 years of recovery. There’s so much that overlaps.

So, my goal has been to provide my experience strength and hope to anyone looking for the information I provide. It’s not medical advice - it’s just documenting my journey but honestly if some of these things are working for me, they could work for anyone.

They may not, but at least I’m sharing something for the community of ostomates (primarily colostomy and ileostomy but urostomates may find some similarities too) and caregivers.

I’m not trying to be a professional YouTuber - I’m only trying to make efficient high-quality videos giving it my best shot like I would do anything else so if that happens it would be organically for sure; God‘s will be done. But, I’m humbled by the support of all my friends, followers, watchers & subscribers 💜




- [ ] #ConvaTec #Natura Moldable Wafer 411802, Natura Pouch 416418
- [ ] #SensiCare adhesive remover wipes & spray
- [ ] #Coloplast #Brava #deodorant (for inside pouch)
- [ ] Hollister Adapt stoma powder
- [ ] 3M #Cavilon skin prep wipes & spray
- [ ] Doggie bags (from Dollar Tree) to dispose of used appliance & cleaning supplies
- [ ] Viva Signature Cloth paper towels
- [ ] #Hy Tape (pink)
- [ ] Huggies Natural Care baby wipes
- [ ] #Coloplast #Brava Elastic Strips; “Y” - 120721 & “C” - 120700



Videoleap Unlimited app: video editing & audio tracks (in order of appearance): “Corporate Uplifting”

Canva: miscellaneous graphics, thumbnails (currently utilizing free version!)

Apple: video capture & photos (iPhone 11)

Lighting: UBeesize Ring Light Set (was a gift but was told available on Amazon :-)


UOAA’a reference guide for eating: https://www.ostomy.org/diet-nutrition/



Let’s connect!

Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/TheKarahLife

Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com/The_Karah_Life

WordPress Website/Blog: Journal of a Warrior's Journey & Home of Living the Karah Life | http://www.JournalofaWarriorsJourney.com

Rumble (video player platform): https://rumble.com/vsq34p-supplies-in-my-bag-ostomy-on-the-go-how-i-rollin-no-colon-product-highlight.html

YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCJrc8SCjDJy6dmynw4SwSjg

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