US Government Took 16 Years to Answer an Able Danger FOIA Request from Judicial Watch

3 years ago

Sixteen years ago, Judicial Watch submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the US Government while doing research on the nation's Able Danger data-mining scandal, which led to intelligence issues before the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks. Finally, a short time ago, Washington answered back.
Why did it take so long? Why was this request ignored until now? What does the nation NOT want citizens to know about Able Danger and the potential issues with government data-mining and profiling?
London Center for Policy Research President LTC Tony Shaffer, the man who blew the whistle exposing Able Danger and Judicial Watch's Director of Investigations and Research Chris Farrell discuss possible answers to these questions and what actually happened with Able Danger.

Tony and Chris also discuss Farrell's latest book, Exiled Emissary: George H. Earle III, Soldier, Sailor, Diplomat, Governor, Spy. Find it on Amazon:

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