Tucker Carlson Tonight 1 Feb 2022

2 years ago

Late upload, I was away last night and just getting back. Excellent monologue tonight as Tucker talks about what is important to the IIC regime vs. what is important to the American people. You know, the ones that they are supposed to represent. Our favorite AOC, as well as the Spokesidiot to the IIC are used as the poster children of this mindset. Tucker also talks about the disfunction of Baltimore, a dead city walking as perfect example of what two generations of democratic party governance gets you. Candace Owens joins Tucker to talk specifically to black americans about just how badly they are getting screwed.
The IIC has appointed a failed marxist musician as his "Homelessness Czar". Jason Rantz joins Tucker to discuss this loser.
The IIC FCC nominee is full on crazy lady, Gigi Sohn. Charlie Gasparino joins Tucker to explain this trainwreck.
Pothole Pete has a plan to fix the broken and crumbling infrastructure in America. It's to install thousands and thousands of remote speed cameras to extract more money from the working class. I'd say he's a C*cksucker, but we already knew that. Joe Borelli from the NYC Council joins Tucker to explain how this is going to turn out, since DiCommio did the same thing a few years ago. This is a shot fired in the war on driving and a tax on the working class, pure and simple.
SF is promoting heroin use in city sponsored and staffed locations. Really. Michael Schellenberger joins Tucker to explain WTF is going on in what was once a quirky, beautiful city.
Short story on a doctor pedaling misinformation and propaganda. Dr. Hotez makes the round on Marxist MSM.
Finally, Glenn Greenwald joins Tucker to discuss Hunter Biden and his misdeeds. Seems that even the NYT is curious and is suing the state department to access emails from Hunter Biden. Hunter is the Achilles hill of the Biden Crime Family. He should refuse any offers to do midnight fishing. If Fredo had done that, he might be alive today.

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