3 years ago

In this present day, for some thing like this to happen in a supposed modern country like America, defys all reason and logic. This is the sort of treasonous action, one could expect in third world countries, certainly not in America, the supposed land of the free.
America has turned into a third world country, over the fourteen years since the first imposters started taking over America. But now, to have an imposter (sorry no. it’s a myriad of imposters, way too many to even count) take over the Presidency, and supposed control of America, is little short of totally mind boggling. Stealing an election pales into insignificanse when compared to two imposter VP’s inaugurated and now an Imposter Prez.
But even more utterly mind blowing, is the fact that no Americans even want to hear about this massive treason. And whats even more totally staggering, is they will not even comment, on what’s happened. They just totally ignore all information on the imposters for 14 years. And pretend it hasn’t happened.
I have been putting out videos on this for all most a year and a half. Very few even bother to check out the videos. I have written two books on the subject and very few even bother to read them, much less ever comment. A huge amount of information is on Bannons Warroom Forum under “Knighty137” I am on Rumble and Bitchute under “Knighty” also many other platforms under ‘Knighty” or “Knighty137” I am on Youtube under “Salazarpl1056”

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