NON-Mask wearer arrested after profiling, discrimination and segregation by the MTA

2 years ago

The train stoppage and arrest was 1st of May 2021. This is my 9th invite to court for violating the mask mandate. This past Monday, I was kicked out of the court house for not wearing a med mask. I was wearing a cloth American Flag and was removed from the courtroom. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
The Canadian TRUCKERS' Ottawa convoy is the story of the age, right now. They are demanding an end to the inhumane c-19 mandates.
My own battle with the Town of Cortlandt, NY and the MTA/Metro North train system is not earth-changing but HOLDING THE LINE one issue at a time will keep our movement moving. END THE MANDATES

1.31-My last interaction with my legal aid today. I was kicked out for wearing a cloth mask instead of a med mask. The court officer lost his shit inside the court room. I let him vent a little before getting up. Made sure the judge and whole court saw that I was getting kicked out of criminal court in Cortlandt NY for not wearing THE OFFICIAL mask of NY. The American Flag bandana was not good enough for the court and everyone saw the ridiculousness. “It looks like a mask to me” said the young man sitting next to me. Meanwhile I was sitting there reading Don Miguel Ruiz. The irony of it all.

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