Ko Huiarau Q and A 06/11/22

3 years ago

Thank you Again Edward Moses I feel blessed to know you and have you as a teacher

To all the guest you are all appreciated and I hope you are enjoying this amazing history and journey That our Tupunas built for us tools for us to utilise they had foreseen things whanau that are happening now specially around the corporations way back in the 1800s we are for ever grateful and I just want to acknowledge them for there Love for The next generations to comes how brilliant they truly were 💞❤️💞🙏💎

To learn about Kohuiarau Please check out

Mahinerangi Forbes Presentation the hidden Gem 💎🙏💎https://youtu.be/Zj2fOpEIxKQ

Ngati Wikitoria https://youtu.be/gyspOP9W2II

Anaru Gray for more info https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi9M...

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6 pm every Monday

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