Where Are We in Biblical Prophecy, Pt 4 - Israel in the End Times - Derek Prince

3 years ago

Derek Prince Sermons: Israel in the End Times. This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. Bible prophecy reveals much concerning the end of the age. The "secret things" remain hidden, but it is our responsibility to study and to act on the "revealed things." This assures our preservation and ultimate victory.

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Table of Contents:
I. Who Is Israel?
A. Descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
1. God set aside Ishmael for Isaac
2. God set aside Esau for Jacob
B. Converts to Judaism
The Church of Jesus Christ is not Israel
II. Latter Day Regathering (Jer. 30:3–7)
A. To the land of Israel
1. Not a time of peace (v. 5)
2. Israel will be saved out of it
B. The uniqueness of Israel (1 Chron. 17:21)
1. Exodus 19:5–6
a. A special treasure to God
b. A kingdom of priests
c. A holy nation
2. Romans 3:1–2
a. Entrusted with oracles of God
b. Not possessors—but stewards (Rom. 1:14)
3. Romans 9:4–5 Adopted by God
4. Salvation is from the Jews (John 4:22)
III. Another Unique Feature Of Israel
A. Whole history foretold in prophecy
1. Enslavement in Egypt (Gen. 15:13)
2. Deliverance with wealth from Egypt (Gen. 15:14)
3. Possession of land of Canaan (Gen. 15:18–20)
4. Turning to idolatry there (Deut. 32:15–21)
5. Center of worship in Jerusalem (Deut. 12:5–6; Ps. 132:13–14)
6. Assyrian captivity (Amos 5:27; 6:14; 7:17)
7. Babylonian captivity (Jer. 16:13; 21:10)
8. Destruction of first temple (2 Chron. 7:19–22)
9. Return from Babylon (Is. 6:11–13; 48:20)
10. Destruction of second temple (Matt. 24:2; Luke 19:43–44)
11. Scattered among all nations (Lev. 26:33–34; Ezek. 12:15)
12. Persecution and oppression (Lev. 26:36–39)
13. Re-gathering from all nations (Is. 11:11–12; Zech. 10:9–10)
B. Prophecy yet to be fulfilled
14. All nations against Jerusalem (Zech. 12:2–3; 14:1–2)
15. Supernatural revelation of Messiah (Zech. 12:10–14)
16. Messiah comes in glory (Zech. 14:3–5)
Already 81% fulfilled
IV. End Time Re-gathering Of Israel In Their Own Land
A. Hosea 1:10—The place from which they were scattered will be the place to which they
are re-gathered
B. Stage-by-stage presentation of the scattering and re-gathering of Israel (Ezek. 36:16–23)
1. Their own land—but they defiled it (v. 17)
2. Judged for bloodshed and idolatry there (v. 18)
3. Scattered among nations (v. 19)
4. Disgraced God’s holy name (v. 20)
5. God intervened to redeem the glory of His name (v. 21, 22)
6. God’s holy name to be sanctified in Israel (v. 23)
C. Process of re-gathering (Ezek. 36:24–28)
1. Gather them from the nations to their own land (v. 24)
2. Sprinkled, cleansed from filthiness and idols (v. 25)
3. Heart of stone turned to heart of flesh (v. 26)
4. God will put His Holy Spirit within them—to produce obedience (v. 27)
5. Then they will dwell in the land (v. 28)
6. They will be God’s people; He will be their God (v. 28)
D. The outworking of God’s sovereign will
1. “I will”—18 times (verses 23–30)
2. But God requires us to pray (verses 37–38)
E. All Israel will be saved
1. i.e., The remnant whom God has chosen (Rom. 9:27)
2. Romans 11:25–26, addressed to Gentile believers
3. All Israel to be saved only after the full number of Gentiles has come in
V. How Do We Respond?
Align with God’s purpose:
A. Bless and do not curse Israel (Num. 23:19–20; 24:9)
B. Comfort My people (Is. 40:1–2)
VI. Christ Will Judge The Nations On The Basis Of Their Treatment Of Israel (Joel 3:1–2)
A. They scattered His people
B. They divided up (partitioned) His land
This judgment is more fully described (Matt. 25:31–46). Sheep nations (right hand)
admitted to Christ’s kingdom.
Goat nations (left hand) excluded from His kingdom.

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