Prophetic Guide To The End Times, Pt 2 - First Discover The "Spine" - Derek Prince

2 years ago

Derek Prince Sermons: First Discover The "Spine" - This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. Are you perplexed or fearful as you contemplate the chaotic, threatening world around us? This series on biblical prophecy will equip you for all that lies ahead.

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Table of Contents:
I. The Significance Of A Spine
A. To assemble the parts of a skeleton, begin with the spine
B. The “spine” of biblical prophecy: Matt. 24, 25; Mark 13; Luke 21
II. Matthew 24:1–44
A. Two questions (Matt. 24:1–3)
1. When will these things . . . ?
2. What will be the sign . . . ?
B. Answer to (1): Jerusalem trampled until . . . (Luke 21:20–24)
1. Immediately followed by coming of Christ (Luke 21:25–27)
2. Return to Matt. 24:4–14 for answer to (2)
C. 24:4–6—A double warning
1. Against deception, the greatest danger—compare vv. 11, 24 (2 Thess.
2. Against wars and commotions—compare Luke 21:9
D. 24:7–8—Beginning of birth pangs—compare Luke 21:9–10. Namely: ethnic
wars, political wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes (compare Luke 21:11)
1. Famines:
a. Chronic hunger: about 750 million—mainly in South Asia and subSaharan Africa
b. Acute hunger: imminent death—more than 35 million, mostly in
southern parts of Africa; also in parts of Eastern Europe and CIS
2. Pestilences:
a. AIDS—estimated 100 million worldwide by 2000 AD
b. Some parts of Africa heavily depopulated by 2000 AD
c. Others increasing: TB, Malaria, Cholera
3. Earthquakes: 6.0 or over on Richter Scale
4. Wars:
a. In 1993: 34 worldwide—mostly ethnic
b. ? Starting point: World War I, e.g., liberation of Jerusalem; way
opened for State of Israel; communist government in Russia;
“feminist” movement; initiated period of constantly accelerating
c. New expressions introduced in 20th century:
(1) World war
(2) Holocaust
(3) Genocide
(4) Terrorism
(5) Atomic/nuclear warfare
5. Birth pangs lead to “regeneration,” i.e., birth of God’s kingdom on earth.
If we want the baby, we will welcome the birth pangs (Matt. 19:28).
E. A key word in Matt. 24: then (9x)
Also in Matt. 25: then (9x)
F. Four forms of pressure: (24:9–11)
1. v. 9—Persecution
2. v. 10—Apostasy
3. v. 11—False prophets
4. v. 12—Lawlessness, leading to lovelessness—no one safe
5. v. 13—Need to endure (compare Luke 21:19; 2 Tim. 2:11–13)
G. v. 14—The sign
1. Fulfillment of Matt. 28:19–20; Mark 16:15–16
2. Leading to Rev. 7:9–10
3. All Christians share responsibility
H. v. 15—Focus moves from “all nations” to Israel (compare Rom. 11:25–26)
1. “Abomination” indicates antichrist (compare 2 Thess. 2:3–4)
2. “Holy place”: the temple area (compare 1 Kings 9:3; Ps. 132:13–14)
I. v. 16–20—Extreme urgency—“Sabbath” indicates Jewish State
J. v. 21–22—Unique period of tribulation (compare Rev. 7:13–14; Rom. 2:9–10)
The elect (compare vv. 24, 31 [2 Tim. 2:10])
K. v. 23–26—Further warnings against deception
Not all miracles attest truth (compare Rev. 13:13–15)
L. v. 27—No “secret rapture” (compare 1 Thess. 4:15–18)
1. Uses of harpazo:
a. Wolf catching sheep (John 10:12, 28, 29)
b. Bird catching up seed (Matt. 13:19)
c. People caught up from earth:
(1) Philip (Acts 8:39)
(2) Paul’s friend (2 Cor. 12:3, 4)
(3) Man child (Rev. 12:3)
d. Taken by force (4x)
2. Features: without warning, sudden, forceful—no time to be getting ready
M. v. 29–30—Immediately after the great tribulation, i.e., Church will not have
taken over the world to hand it over to Jesus
Coming of Jesus (Dan. 7:13–14; Matt. 23:63–64; Zech. 14:3–5; Acts 1:9–11)
1. Ascended from Mount of Olives in clouds
2. Will return in clouds to Mount of Olives
N. v. 31—Ingathering of elect survivors—compare vv. 22, 24
O. v. 32–33—Israel and all nations 1948 onwards
1. Trees putting on their leaves
2. End of colonialism—rise of nationalism (ethnicity) (compare Luke 21:29–
P. v. 34–35—“This generation” = 40–45 years—? starting point—urgency and

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