⛔ Seven Steps To Revival, Pt 5 - Witchcraft In Disguise - Derek Prince

3 years ago

Derek Prince Sermons: Witchcraft In Disguise. This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. How can we determine what is witchcraft and what is not? Is there a spirit of witchcraft at work in our nation? Watch this video to find out! The Lord allows His people to reach a place of utter helplessness and total reliance. But, when our prayer is based on this realization, the Lord's compassion prevails.

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Table of Contents:
I. Legitimate Dominion vs. Illegitimate Control (Gen. 1:27–28)
A. Witchcraft proceeds out of rebellion (1 Sam. 15:23)
1. The religion of rebellious fallen man
2. Its objective: control over:
a. Forces of nature
b. Course of life
c. Other human beings
B. Many different forms
1. Some element of the supernatural
2. Counterfeits true God-given religion
3. Uses: sacrifices, oaths, covenants, curses, spells, incantations, potions, drugs, some
forms of music (hard rock)
4. Atmosphere of fear and darkness
C. Witchcraft can disguise itself in Christian forms.
Satan can do more harm to the church from inside than from outside (compare Acts
II. What Witchcraft Is
A. A work of the flesh (Gal. 5:20)
B. An evil spiritual power
C. Three key words:
1. Manipulate – means
2. Intimidate – means
3. Dominate – objective
D. Forms witchcraft takes
1. Manipulation can begin at birth; e.g., a baby crying
2. Contemporary culture
a. Advertising: appeals to pride, covetousness
b. “Want what you don’t need, buy what you can’t afford”
c. Leads to addictions: nicotine, alcohol, shopping
3. Husband/wife relationships
a. Husband: rage, violence, jealousy, sulkiness, criticism—basically intimidation
b. Wife: hurt feelings, tears, emotional sickness, listing husband’s misdeeds to
produce guilt—basically, manipulation
Sometimes inherited by birth through female line, e.g.
(1) American “Deep South”
(2) Matriarchal societies
c. Both: withholding sex (compare 1 Cor. 7:3–5)
4. Children: rebelliousness, temper tantrums
5. Parents: possessiveness, cultivating dependence, exploiting affection, and so
projecting guilt, making love a “reward”
6. In the church
a. Appealing for money
(1) “There are 5 people here . . .”
(2) Harrowing descriptions—guilty if you don’t give
(3) “You will receive your healing if . . .”
b. Fear and threats
(1) “If you leave this church, you’ll never prosper.”
(2) Demand for unquestioning loyalty
(3) “Covenant breaker”
(2) and (3) are marks of cults
c. Spiritual operations
(1) Interpretation and prophecy to control
(2) Controlling by prayer, e.g. group of “spiritual” women around a pastor
(3) “Charismatic fortune telling”
“False vision or flattering divination” (Ezek. 12:24)
(a) Beware of flattery (Prov. 29:5)
(b) The Holy Spirit exalts Jesus (John 16:14)
d. Sexual seduction
(1) Male leaders through counseling, etc.—sexual freedom “for the mature”
(2) Females through being counseled or serving a male leader
(3) Warnings: Prov. 2:10–11, 16–19; 7:21–27—witchcraft’s targets are strong
(4) We all need to protect ourselves—none of us are immune


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