TIMELY PHILOSOPHY: Plato on: The Allegory of the Cave | The School of Life

2 years ago

If you're awake / enlightened, this allegory will be VERY familiar to you by now. One sign that you're awake is that you've been called anti-vaxxer, conspiracy thinker, science denier. You've been censored, canceled, fired, shunned. You tend to consume very little main stream media.

"[The cave dwellers] assume that the shadows are real and that if you pay a lot of attention to them, you'll understand and succeed in life."

Replace 'cave dwellers' with sheep / sheeple / propaganda lovers / government followers / COVID cult member.

Replace 'shadow' with 'health' authorities / Fauci / main stream media.

The message of the person who went outside, is nowadays better known as 'harmful misinformation' or simply 'misleading'. It is 'debunked' by 'fact checkers'.

You are one of the 'crazy' ones who 'mistakenly' believe that The Scientific Method is about facts and logic, not about adherence to a person or institution. (The latter is fitting for a cult.) You believe that 'science' (including scientists and scientific institutions) in reality unfortunately has very little to do with the scientific method.

You believe that referrals to The Science™ are often nothing more than a marketing tool. You believe that trusting the science and censorship are about the most anti-scientific thing you can do. You believe that critical independent thinking is a virtue, not a vice. You believe that second opinions have always been and still are, a good thing. You believe that the essence of science is humility and trying to falsify hypotheses.

"I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned." ― Richard Feynman

You also tend to believe that the 'health' authorities are not about public health, but about greed, power, ideology, ego, politics. You believe that a person's/organization's track record and incentives are one of the better predictors of what they will do and are doing.

This video explains how to deal with the 'cave dwellers'. Bluntly telling people they're wrong will in most cases get you nowhere and may endanger your life. Instead: be patient, don't get annoyed, use the Socratic method. This is simple and easy in theory, but extremely difficult in practice.

"You never teach anyone anything by making them feel stupid, even if they are, at first. We have all started in that cave, but it is Plato's deepest insight that we don't have to stay there, and that the road out is simply, philosophy and by whose rays, the proper nature of things can become clear."

According to prof. Mattias Desmet, about 30% of people will stay a cave dweller no matter what, but about 40% have a chance of waking up. Perhaps even the 30% can wake up if they experience a devastating vaxx injury personally or up close.

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” -- Attributed to Mark Twain


COVID-1984 The reality? They Live!

SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWlUKJIMge4

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