A Gun In Your Hand Is Better Than The Sheriff's Office On The Phone

3 years ago

Defensive Gun Use

Non-gun people like to come on my page and say things like, where do you live that you feel the need to have guns like that?

3.7 million is the average number of yearly burglaries in the United States every year.

That’s an average of 10,137 burglaries a day.

Based on predictive analytics, 3 to 4 homes in the United States will be burglarized at some point in the next 20 years.

That’s 75% !

I’ll be the first to say it.

Yes! It’s ridiculous that we have to have guns just to protect ourselves, but that’s reality.

Acting like it doesn’t exist doesn’t make it go away, and just because it hasn’t happened to you yet doesn’t mean it never will.

Just be happy you live in a country where you can protect yourself with a firearm and have laws like the castle doctrine that give you the legal protection to protect your home.

Because when a criminal is in your home, it doesn’t matter if there is a 1% chance because you are now that 1%, and keeping you and your family safe is the only thing that matters at that point.

Stop playing Russian roulette with your safety, buy a gun, learn gun safety and get training.

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#DefensiveGunUse #ColionNoir

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