💎 The Christian and His Money (stewardship) - Derek Prince

2 years ago

Derek Prince Sermons: The Christian and His Money (stewardship) - This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. Right handling of our money determines our relationship with God and is a key to spiritual progress.

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Table of Contents:
Part 1 – Money Is Important
I. Wealth In Two Levels (Heb. 11: 24–26)
A. Material: temporary
B. Spiritual: eternal (compare Matt. 5: 11–12)
II. Material Level (Good Or Evil?)
A. Seven good things the Lamb is worthy to receive (Rev. 5: 12)
1. Riches is second
2. These things can be misused
B. All silver (money) and gold belong to God: primarily to be used for work of God
(Hag. 2: 8–9)
C. Bible says a great deal about money (2 Cor. 8 & 9 [compare 1 Cor. 13])
D. Christ’s ministers obligated to teach about money (Acts 20: 20, 26–27)
E. Jesus had a lot to say about money
1. Cannot serve God and Mammon (Matt. 6: 24)
Not whether we will serve but whom we will serve
2. God tests handling of money before He commits spiritual riches to us (Luke
16: 9–11)
3. Giving is proof of our sincerity (2 Cor. 8: 8, 24)
4. Our heart follows our treasure: commitment that leaves out our money is
incomplete (Matt. 6: 21)

Part 2 – Principles Of Right Giving
I. Five Principles Of Right Giving
A. By grace through faith: not by the law (John 1: 17)
1. Grace is free: cannot be earned (Eph. 2: 8)
2. “Grace” appears seven times (2 Cor. 8)
3. Law works from without through commandments, but grace from within
through the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 3: 3)
4. The Holy Spirit is generous (Ps. 51: 12)
B. First give ourselves, then our gifts
1. Example: Macedonians (2 Cor. 8: 5)
2. Giving ourselves leads to revelation of God’s will (Rom. 12: 1–2)
C. Grace provides abundance
1. Five all’s and two abound’s: but for every good work (2 Cor. 9: 8)
2. We receive greater blessing by giving than by receiving (Acts 20: 35)
D. Giving is sowing
1. Sow where we will reap the greatest harvest—prayerfully, not impulsively—
we reap in proportion to what we sow (2 Cor. 9: 6)
2. There is an interval between sowing and reaping
E. Giving is part of worship
1. Everyone must come before God with his offering (Ex. 23: 15)
2. Coming with an offering gives God the glory due to Him. God does not need
our tips! (Ps. 96: 8)

Part 3 – Tithing
I. Question Of Priorities
A. Faith gives first, then receives back: the proportion of our giving determines the
proportion of our receiving (Luke 6: 38)
B. Put God’s kingdom first, then God supplies material needs (Matt. 6: 33)
C. We honor God by giving Him the first share and God prospers us in return: but
stinginess dishonors God (Prov. 3: 9–10)
II. Tithing Is Giving The First Tenth Back To God
A. By tithes Abraham acknowledged Melchizedek as his priest (Gen. 14: 18–20
[compare Rom. 4: 11–12])
B. Jacob’s commitment: by tithe he acknowledged the Lord as his God (Gen. 28: 20–
C. Jacob’s testimony: from a staff to two companies (Gen. 32: 10b [compare Gen.
D. Under the law, the tithe was only the foundation: then there were six other forms
of giving (Deut. 12: 6)
E. In the New Testament we acknowledge Jesus as our High Priest by our tithes
(Heb. 7:8)
F. We have a better covenant with better promises. Should we give less? (Heb. 8: 6)
G. God keeps a record: stinginess brings His curse, liberality releases His blessing
(Mal. 3 :8–10)
The storehouse is the place you get food to eat and seed to sow.


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