Child Sex Trafficking & Serious Military Invasion, Canadian Truckers Vow to STAY Until Valhalla!

2 years ago

The Stew Peters Show (February 1, 2022)

We spoke earlier with Ben Bergquam about the welfare spongers who are flooding over our border at a rate of more than 100,000 per month.
Of course, not all of these people are going to take normal jobs from Americans or go on welfare. Some are coming for far more sinister purposes. There’s drug dealing, weapons smuggling, and of course, human trafficking. Young women and children, who are being brought here to be sexually abused, all with the willing cooperation of our government, which could stop illegal immigration any time if it really wanted to. Walter West is a veteran and was Sergeant at Arms for the Texas Republican Party, until the hacks in the party kicked him out for saying the wrong things about the January 6 protesters. Walter also works with Texas Fully Loaded, which fights to rescue children from trafficking. Walter West joins us.

The Satanic elite want the peasants to wear masks every day and sit quietly home as they conquer our lives and steal the minds of our children.
The trucker revolution in Canada, which is the largest convoy in recorded history, has shown the ruling elite that the frustrations are real, and the rejection of Covid tyranny has teeth. This is why Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has fled the capital.
The elite and their leftwing lapdogs in media have attempted to dismiss the freedom convoy as fascist and racist, and they have even tried to dehumanize the heroes braving freezing weather to field opposition to the Great Reset. Truck convoy organizer Patrick King joins us to unpack this.

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