They can't plug the leak in the COVID narrative #ThankYouSpotify #ThanksJoeRogan

2 years ago

A group of people and organizations (e.g. big pharma, IT companies, main stream media, politicians) have very strong incentives to prolong the COVID and other propaganda, because it suits their interests.

They need COMPLETE control over public messaging. ALMOST complete control is significantly worse form them. Free speakers (like Joe Rogan) and free speech platforms like Substack and Spotify are a thorn in their side. They are a huge leak in the narrative. The discussions and information on these platforms are not necessarily misinformation, but harmful information to the incumbents.

We can expect their pressure on these people and platforms to keep increasing. A world where there are just a few free speech platforms is enormously better for freedom lovers and enormously worse for the incumbents, than a world with zero free speech platforms.

We should therefore do everything in our power to keep freedom of speech alive. One way is to vote with your feet: use and support platforms that value free speech; use censoring platforms as little as possible. Thank free speakers and free speech platforms.

Alexander Lukashenko (Belarus): Vaccine mafia is dividing markets and sorting people

This segment has been taken from the following video:

In the remainder of the video, Heather Heying shows how the New York Times and Washington Post have a complete blackout on the Canadian Truckers Protest.

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