No-Sew Scandinavian Folded Fabric Star Christmas Ornament

2 years ago

It is time to trim our family's annual Christmas Tree. I am a softy when it comes to vintage homemade Christmas Tree Ornaments and insist on making my own ornaments just about every year. I love to color coordinate my tree and build upon the ornaments for 3 to 5 years before switching it up to another color scheme. Last year, Marie and I made the old-fashioned no-sew quilted folded fabric Christmas ornaments. Did you see how elegant and timeless they are? If you didn't then you need to check that video out. The quilted folded fabric ornaments took a significant amount of time to make, so I am happy to use them a few years in a row, however today's tutorial you can make in hardly any time at all. This year I am adding the no-sew Scandinavian folded fabric star Christmas ornaments made from the same fabrics that I made last year's ornaments from. Luckily I still had some of the scrap fabric left and doubly lucky that the fabrics I selected are so timeless that they were easy to find at Joann Fabrics for another year.

The concept of the Scandinavian Folded Fabric Star is not a new one to me. In grade school and junior high in the late 1980s and early 1990s, I made these stars out of chewing gum wrappers while sitting through school. I am sure I drove my teachers bonkers, but since I had straight A's and they knew it was either allow me to keep my hands busy or deal with my never-ending talking they let me play away.

If you were one of my teachers and are reading this 30 years later I'd like to apologize!

#wisdompreserved #emmalinehoffmeister #marieoverton #scandinavianornaments #christmasornaments #christmascrafts #christmascraftidea #christmas #holiday #holidaydecorating #diyornament #diychristmas

Intro and Supplies 00:00
Color Coordination 02:10
Fabric Stiffener 02:55
Fold and Iron 03:30
Other Fabric Options 04:05
Weave 04:50
Anatomy of the Star 07:40
Fold and Tuck Star Points 08:05
Fabric Glue 12:12
Hanger 14:45
Cutting Measurements 17:45
Outro 20:00


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To Marie and Emmaline the lost arts are the useful knowledge related to simple living, country living, modern homesteading, and old-fashioned traditions that are not readily being passed down from generation to generation as they used to. It includes sustainable living skills like gardening, canning basics, and homesteading skills. Some of Marie and Emmaline's favorite hard skills include boiling water bath canning, pressure canning, steam juicing, dehydrating, and fermenting our own food to add to our pantries and food storage.

What Are the Lost Arts? Lost arts are the basic skills for self-sufficient living that have been forgotten or replaced by modern technology. --- WISDOM PRESERVED

Marie and Emmaline’s friendship was almost instantaneous. Within 20 minutes of their first meeting, they were discussing their shared passion for the lost arts. Their collective enthusiasm has created this worthy endeavor, and their individual strengths have made a project of this magnitude possible.

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