Zinc, Vitamin D and Your Immunity

3 years ago

On today's video blog of the Campaign for Nutrition Wellness Hour, Pharmacist Keith and Dr Joel Wallach discuss the role of Zinc and Vitamin D in immunity.

They also discuss co factors that are necessary when supplementing to prevent complications from long term zinc supplementation.

In the second half of the episode, they take questions from participants.

#DrJoelWallach and #PharmacistKeith believe that the human body was Divinely designed so when we give it the proper nutritional tools we can support and promote the body’s natural ability to repair itself. Join us every week as we look at the latest trends in medicine, what they are missing and what you can do to give your body these essential tools to improve your life and longevity. #immunity, #zinc, #copper, #selenium, #VitaminD #VitaminK, #Calcium.

If you prefer the podcast version visit:
Anchor.Fm; https://anchor.fm/.../Zinc-Vitamin-D-and-Immunity-e1dorvp
iHeart: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-prosperityrx-31099992/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0wy7zI63jXG9NXy7K3Srba...
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/.../prosperityrx/id1387761158...
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/prosperityrx

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