Mass Exodus from the globalist

2 years ago

In this video, we outline and describe how America lost the culture war. The seven mountains in which we (conservative Christians) need to dominate have been controlled by a Luciferian, demonic, cult organization in America. Their name? The globalists.
We have no one to blame but ourselves for the position that we are currently in, in America.
We have fallen for the divide and conquer trick, Republican or Democrat, Ford or Chevy, White or Black; whatever it takes to divide.
We have allowed globalists in our (Religion) churches. We have allowed our (Family) families to be taken hostage while we had other things to do, like watch endless football. We lost our (Education) Schools to the communist subversives who want to kill the American way of life. We have allowed the same thing to happen in our Administration (Government) mainly because of the doctrine of Romans chapter 13 in the government-funded seminaries.
The fifth mountain is (Media) Tell-a-vision, and I don’t think I need to expound on that one, OK maybe two words, fake news.
We have lost (Arts and Entertainment) Hollyweird because the Nazis initially set it up after World War II (Operation Paperclip and Operation Mockingbird), and now Hollywood is imploding.
And finally, number seven of the seven mountains (Business) commerce. We have lost our businesses to the globalist, and this was all during these lockdowns; our governor in the great state of Texas helped kill small businesses. Greg Abbott needs to go and be prosecuted.
Don’t believe me? Follow the money, look who has made the most money in the past two years.
We have a massive supply chain interruption, yet the stock market is at the highest that it has ever been. What is being traded, if we have a supply chain issue?
The politicians and the globalist have flaunted in your face what they are doing, and most American people cannot see it because they have already been captured in their minds.
This time in history is the most remarkable revival (spiritual and business awakening) for all seven of these mountain peaks. Join me in taking back the seven mountains of our society. You must get active, get involved, and spread the links.

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