Venus flytrap

3 years ago

Venus flytrap (lat. Dionaea muscipula) is a species of carnivorous plants from the monotypic genus Dionea of ​​the Rosyankovye family (Droseracea). Plant marshy areas of the east coast of the United States of America (North and South Carolina). The Venus flytrap catches its victims (insects, arachnids) with the help of a specialized trapping apparatus formed from the marginal parts of the leaves. The closing of the trap is initiated by fine trigger (sensitive) hairs on the surface of the leaves. To slam the trapping apparatus, it is necessary to exert a mechanical impact on at least two hairs on the sheet with an interval of no more than 20 seconds. This selectivity provides protection against accidental slamming in response to falling objects that do not have nutritional value (raindrops, debris, etc.). Moreover, digestion begins after at least five stimulation of sensitive hairs.
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