Final Fantasy 3 and 4 3D remakes on Steam is pure scam, it sucks and are lazy ports by Square Enix

3 years ago

Dont buy it. Wait til they actually put effort into those ports. DS 3D games of FF3 and FF4 are not bad at all. But they are god awful on PC/Steam because its based on phone ports (even PSP port of FF3 is based on this awful phone interface of doing stuff.) Terrible map adjustment, terrible zoom in. Its just very lazy port and not good.

FF4 The After Years has more effort, maybe because this was purely designed on a phone with a team who knew the limitations. But that one is only one i can recommend on PC.

Either case i consider the steam versions of FF3 and FF4 3D remakes to be a scam because of the lowkey effort they put into it.

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