Dr. Robert Malone On The Health Narrative Collapsing; DARPA; Announces New Book

3 years ago

Dana (@DLoesch / @DanaLoeschRadio) is joined by Dr. Robert Malone (@RWMaloneMD on GETTR), the inventor of the mRNA vaccine platform, MD, MS, Northwestern School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School fellow - Global Clinical Research Scholar (2016) - on the latest data on Omicron, Natural Immunity and mandates.

Why is there an effort to SILENCE actual doctors and scientists who are sharing data that flies in the face of the approved narrative? Dr. Robert Malone explains.

Dr. Robert Malone talks about the uselessness of PCR testing as it relates to indicating recovery - because if the number of cycle thresholds are over 24 - you’re likely to get a false positive. Dr. Malone suggests the nasal swab, in order to get an accurate assessment of your viral load, is still the most accurate in determining your health status.

As COVID cases and hospitalizations are dropping all over the world, the UK - Scotland, Ireland and others dropping the vax pass and mask mandates - and the fact that Israel is admitting that 3-4 jabs haven’t worked is partially driving this global pushback, giving hope to being at the end of the ‘plandemic’ - as the ‘approved narrative’ is crumbling before our eyes.

On the DARPA documents that Project Veritas exposed: Did the American government have a hand in CREATING this SARS-COV2 virus? See the details/evidence here: https://gettr.com/post/ppqxoh467d
Pre-Order Dr. Malone’s new book via Amazon, “Lies My Gov't Told Me: And the Better Future Coming”

I ripped this from ScrewTube since it won't be there long anyways.

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