Truckers Convoy 2022 - Canada is Pro-Freedom - Arriving at Ottawa pt.2

2 years ago

Arriving at Parliament Hill Ottawa, Canada on January 29th 2022 around noon, the crowd is lively, friendly and happy.

Earlier that week our prime minister Trudeau called the Truckers Convoy ( a fringe minority with unacceptable views.

Unlike Trudeau, we seek to unify Canada. The choice over your body belongs to you and only you. Coercion is not consent.

Canadians have been complying too long to tyrannical measures, to name just two:
1. Restricted movement by plane and train for non-vaccinated
2. Discriminatory vaccination passes to enter restaurants, bars, and recently in Quebec Walmart, Costco, other big box stores, participate in organized sports

It has been unbelievable to see the majority idly watch as a minority has been treated so wrong, for so long. In response to the protests, the government and legacy media tried to smear the movement as hateful, extremist. Take a look at the faces of your compatriots. Love & Peace.

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