"Trump" Works For The Beast's New World Order 2022 - 2024

2 years ago

Lying, Deceitful, Vain, Arrogant, Ruthless, Diabolical, Traitor, Evil, Trump
is running his "Save America" scripted Political Theatre BS Show already.

Do not be Deceived, Deluded for a minute that he gives a toss about you wherever you Live in the world or that he stands for the People. Remember Trumps Bane speech? 20th January 2017? Trump is a Villain in the story playing his part as much as Obama will be "Satan Lucifer Incarnate".

"He "Trump is a SNAKE" Just like his crazy poem that he is back reading too his mindless sheeple supporters at his "Save America" Rallies.

Problem, Action, Reaction, Solution, Order out of Chaos. "As above so Below":
Hegelian dialectic are all at play on the earth at this moment.

Concerns Every Human Being on the Planet.

This is all about AC Obama and The False Prophet Pope Francis and their Globalist United Nations 2015 - 2030 Sustainability Goals with a Dramatically reduced worlds population as the Georgia Guidestones 1980 a NWO Dystopian Ten Commandments written in Stone Population 500 Million testifies too .

World Economic Forum "The Great Reset" to 2030 agenda.

Trump vs Obama 2023 - 2024 Election.

The 666 Man Obama wins the election for an Official Third Term and takes the world towards their United Nations17 sustainability goals 2030 agenda.

The Biblical End Of Days 2005 - 2032. Book of Daniel and Revelation KJB

7 Seals
7 Trumpets
7 bowls

Of Tribulation Judgment/Great Tribulation Wrath is coming the likes the world has never seen. Climate change on steroids. ARE YOU READY?

We must endure much: Christ comes to gather his true followers at the 6th seal when he appears in the Clouds. (Pre Tribulation Rapture is a LIE)

Are you forgiven of your Sin saved by Jesus and his "It is Finished work" on the Cross?

ARE YOU headed when you die for eternity with Him?

The alternative is Horrendous. Unspeakable.


Get a King James Bible today: Website: church bible publishers.

Best Study Bible: The Evidence Bible.


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