I'm Glad You Asked That! - Derek Prince

2 years ago

Derek Prince Sermons: I'm Glad You Asked That! - This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. Derek Prince deals with critical current issues: e.g. Predestination vs. free will; Christian reaction to abortion; Is the Church the new Israel?; Will the Church be a remnant?

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Table of Contents:
Questions and answers concerning Romans
I. Predestination
1. How does God’s foreordained choosing of us bear on the way we are to pray for
the unsaved?
2. Of what use is praying for salvation for those who cannot or will not come?
3. Is it a correct biblical conclusion, then, to say that we are predestined to choose—
that predestination is God’s gift—if free will does coexist?
4. Does God arrange circumstances so that we are pressured into accepting His will?
5. Considering God’s sovereignty, of what use is free will to us?
6. Scripture tells us that God wants all to be saved. Ephesians 4 talks about us being
chosen in Him before the creation of the world. When you talked about God
choosing, do you believe that He chooses who will follow Him?
II. Christian Protests, Especially Abortion Issue
1. In submitting to government, should anti-abortionists physically prevent women
from having abortions?
2. Jesus told us to occupy until His return. I understand the word “occupy” in this
sense: as a military connotation. How far am I justified to go as a Christian in
fighting such things as abortion, lies in the media, disinformation, infringement of
my first amendment rights as a Christian, pornography, and so on?
3. Do you believe Christian protests are truly accomplishing what God desires in
situations like anti-abortion picketing, or wouldn’t more be done through prayer
and fasting?
III. Concerning Israel
1. How are the Church and Israel related? Does Galatians 3:29 not mean that
believers are Abraham’s seed—adopted Jews?
2. What is or will be the role of Israel in the final evangelization of the world? Is
world evangelization the exclusive duty of the Church or is there an aspect that
the Church will not fulfill that is reserved for the Israel that recognizes her
3. When an Israelite gets saved, has a born-again experience and is baptized in the
Holy Spirit, is he then considered to be part of Israel or the Church?
4. What do Gentiles do with Jews who believe in Jesus?
5. When you spoke of the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael, will any of the seed of
Ishmael be included as the Israel of God? And are they considered true Jews?
IV. Miscellaneous
1. Does the local church have the right to establish rules for membership, such as
refraining from alcohol, etc.?
2. Since God’s law is love, please explain Luke 14:26: “If any man come to me, and
hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters,
yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.”
3. It sounds like, in chapter 15 of Romans, we’re almost into an area that could be
compared to situation ethics; that is, we are asked to behave according to what we
believe may be the consequences of our behavior. God, on the other hand, really
wants us to be principle-based in our behavior; that is, not consider the need or
consequence, but rather the scriptural principle and then act on it.
4. What did God love in Jacob and what did He hate in Esau?
5. Will the Church also be a remnant?

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