Joe Rogan Derangement Syndrome - The Latest "Low-Fame-No-Name" Threatening Spoitfy

3 years ago

It's MADDENING to Covert Radio,... that the communist media is GUSHING over these NARCISSISTIC "LOW-FAME NO-NAMES" threatening to leave Spotify!

By the end of this video, no matter where you stand politically, I promise you will understand why this may be one of the most important situations, that have a very real potential of affecting you or your family personally.

"Rogan Derangement Syndrome" is the newest war-front for the "Woke-Mob Communistic Intolerance Army".

*** FUN FACT ***
Covert Radio also exposes in this video that Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, and Dave Grohl ALL DEPEND on DAVID GEFFEN - (GEFFEN RECORDS - DGC) for their MONEY and FAME??? Coincidence........????? Did I mention David Geffen was a MASSIVE financial supporter of Obama, and the Democrats?

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