Laying the Foundation, Part 7, Transmitting God's Power - Derek Prince

3 years ago

Derek Prince Sermons: Transmitting God's Power - This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. In this comprehensive series, Derek Prince walks you step by step through this essential foundational building process.

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Table of Contents:
I. Laying On of Hands (Hebrews 6:2)
A. Ensures continuity of life and leadership of God’s people
B. Spiritual purposes added to common human practice
1. To transmit: blessings, authority, wisdom, the Holy Spirit, a spiritual gift or ministry
2. To commission:
a. Recognize: not appoint, but recognize God’s choice
b. Set apart: to a certain task/ministry
c. Endorse: give authority
d. Equip: transmission of spiritual authority
II. Examples From Old Testament
A. Jacob laid hands on the sons of Joseph (Gen. 48:8–19)
1. Imparted a blessing
2. Determined their destiny
B. Moses laid hands on Joshua (Num. 27:18–23; Deut. 34:9)
1. Set apart
2. Endorsed
3. Equipped
C. Elisha laid hands on king Joash (2 Kings 13:14–17)
1. Endorsed
2. Imparted supernatural spiritual authority
III. Purposes Indicated In New Testament
A. To impart healing to the sick
1. To the unsaved (Mark 16:17–18; Luke 4:40–41)
2. For church members, accompanied by anointing with oil (James 5:14–15)
B. To impart (the gift of) the Holy Spirit
1. The Samaritans (Acts 8:14–20)
2. Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9:17–18)
3. Disciples of Ephesus (Acts 19:1–6)
C. To commission church servants/deacons (Acts 6:1–7)
1. Transmit authority
2. Set apart, endorse, equip
D. To send out apostles (Acts 13:1–4, 14:26–27)
1. Transmit authority
2. Set apart, endorse, equip
E. To appoint elders (Acts 14:23; 1 Tim. 5:17–22; Titus 1:5)
1. Transmit authority
2. Set apart, endorse, equip
F. To impart a spiritual gift (charisma)
1. Romans 1:11–12
2. 2 Timothy 1:6
G. By extension, to similar situations
IV. Apostleship Of Timothy (1 Thess. 1:1, 2:6)
A. Chosen by Paul, endorsed by local elders (Acts 16:1–3)
B. Paul and elders lay hands on him
1. 1 Timothy 4:14
2. 2 Timothy 1:6
C. Accompanied by prophecy (1 Tim. 4:14)
D. Effect on Timothy’s life (1 Tim. 1:18)
V. Dangers And Safeguards
A. Dangers (1 Tim. 5:22)
1. Endorsing someone unfit or unworthy
2. Spiritual “contamination”
B. Safeguards
1. With prayer and humility
2. Be directed by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:14)
3. Be protected by the blood of Jesus (Heb. 13:12)
4. Empowered against evil forces (Luke 10:19)


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Videos in this Series:

1. Founded on the Rock
2. Authority and Power of God's Word
3. Through Repentance to Faith
4. Faith and Works
5. Immersion in Water
6. Immersion in the Spirit
7. Transmitting God's Power
8. At the End of Time
9. Resurrection of the Body
10. Final Judgment


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