The Roman Pilgrimage Vol 3, Part 1 (Romans 9:1 - 9:13) - The Destiny of Israel and the Church

2 years ago

The Destiny of Israel and the Church - Bible Teaching By Derek Prince.

Bible Teaching Resources:

Table of Contents:
The Destiny of Israel and the Church
Romans 9 – 11
Central Theme: God’s sovereignty and grace operating through His choice
Sovereignty: God does what He wants when He wants in the way He wants, and
He asks no one’s permission (vs. humanism)
9:11 . . . that God’s purpose according to His choice might stand, not
because of works, but because of Him who calls . . .
9:16 So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who
runs, but on God who has mercy.
10:4 Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who
10:9 . . . if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in
your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be
saved . . .
11:5 . . . there has also come to be at the present time a remnant
according to God’s gracious choice.
11:22 Behold then the kindness and severity of God; to those who fell,
severity, but to you, God’s kindness, if you continue in His
kindness; otherwise you also will be cut off.
11:29 . . . for the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable.
11:36 For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things.
Introduction These 3 chapters are not a digression, but an essential part
of the revelation of the gospel.
God’s dealings with Israel provide a historical
demonstration of many vital spiritual principles which
apply equally to Christians.
A. 9:1–5 Paul’s concern for his fellow Israelites
9:1–3 Paul rebuts a charge of “anti-Semitism”—willing to be cut off in their
place—compare Moses (Ex. 32:32–33)
9:4–5 Israel’s 8 distinctive privileges
B. 9:6–13 God’s choice determines who are His people
Isaac vs. Ishmael—Jacob vs. Esau
Natural descent is not sufficient—God’s promise, received
by faith, is the generative seed (compare 1 Pet. 1:23).
1. “The Israel of God” (Gal. 6:16)—the completion of a people already
formed (see Is. 43:21; Rom. 15:8–9)
2. “The true Jew” (Rom. 2:28–29; John 1:47)
All these passages are restrictive—they reduce, not expand,
the use of “Israel/Israelite” or “Jew.”
C. How is “Israel/Israelite” used in the New Testament? (See appendix)
Occurs altogether 74 times—9 times quoted without
change from Old Testament—70 times cannot refer to the
Church—only 4 occurrences could be interpreted
otherwise: Rom. 9:6 and Gal. 6:16 already explained
1 Cor. 10:18 “Israel according to the flesh” = those who are Israelites by
natural descent only (i.e. not “the Israel of God”)
Eph. 2:12 “The commonwealth of Israel”—many nations are
members of the British Commonwealth who are not
1 Cor. 10:1–11 Israel is a type of the Church, but not a synonym.
D. 3 Consequences of “replacement” theology
1. Discredits reliability of Scripture—many clear statements are proved
false—e.g. Is. 11:11–12; Jer. 30:3; 31:10, 35–37; 32:37–42; Ezek.
20:40–44; 36:22–28; Amos 9:14–15; Zech. 14:2–5, 8–11
“Literal” could be used to question many other Scriptures: e.g.
miracles of Jesus, or His resurrection
2. Discredits faithfulness of God—e.g. Jer. 33:23–26 (see TLB)
3. Undermines security of the Church—if God could “replace” Israel,
why not also the Church? (See Rev. 3:1–3, 14–16)
E. All the same principles of God’s sovereign choice apply to the Church
1 Pet. 1:1–2 From eternity chosen on the basis of God’s foreknowledge
Rom. 8:29–30 From eternity foreknown and predestined—therefore called
Tit. 3:4–5 Not on the basis of any good works (compare Eph. 1:3–6;
1 Thess. 5:23–24 Always dependent on God’s faithfulness


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