You Are Worthy, Ready to Leave Dream, Gold Key Dream and Vision of Birth- Sept. 26-30 Watch 726

2 years ago

This morning when I finished praying it was 9:26 changing to 9:27. I am staying on a three days at a time rapture watch. Only the Lord knows when He is coming. If September is really the 7th month by its name, tomorrow is like 7/26. It's also the day that there is 12 hours of sunlight in Jerusalem and in my home town of Alpharetta, GA. The story of Lazarus in John 11:9-44 was after Lazarus had been dead for four days. The Revelation 12 sign was September 23, 2017, and I had a flying up rapture dream carrying a baby girl.

This includes two dreams given to Keren in Israel (Keren .W) on 9/10 and 9/22. My friend, Elaine, had an open eyed vision on 9/22 also.
The key had 38 on it-

Please forgive me for being all over the place. I love the Lord, and hope you are reading the Bible daily too.
3/16/17 to 9/26/21= days

You Are Worthy song-

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