Rock tombs of Kaunos, Turkey.

2 years ago

Rock tombs of Kaunos, Turkey.
Six rock tombs (4-2 centuries BC) of Kaunos overlook the Dalyan River. The façade of these tombs is reminiscent of those of Hellenistic temples, with two Ionic columns, a triangular pediment, an architrave with jagged friezes, and acroteria in the shape of palm leaves. This type of tomb is mostly attested in Turkey and it is certain that they belonged to members of the local elite.
The Lycians believed that the higher a person was buried, the easier it would be for him to ascend to heaven. The highest places in the rocks are occupied by burials with chic decoration, indicating the status of the owner.

The tombs, by the way, were plundered long before our days. The ancient tradition of burying jewelry with the owner was strong in these parts. Treasures have always attracted treasure hunters.
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