What happens when I sing to my cats (You Came To Me Demo)

2 years ago

This is a trailer for my new music video You Came To Me an original song.

We were filming this clip to add to my music video. I was singing to my cat when my daughter's toy went off with cricket sounds at the end of the video. Funny things usually happen with my cat Mischief and this video was no exception.

If you like cats you should check out this video because it has my three cats and lots of cool cat pictures, and it even includes a cat tower I built for my cats in the photo credits background (I am thinking of posting a video on how to make a cat tower like this for around $15 bucks... if anyone is interested. My cats absolutely love it, and fight over it, so now I need to make more towers since I have three cats!

I hope you will enjoy this video and please like and subscribe so that I can grow this channel and my audience.

For more free original song downloads please check out my website, Coyote Creek Blues:


I also post videos on Rumble. You can also visit my Rumble channel:

CoyoteCreekBlues2 @https://rumble.com/c/c-606863

Thanks for watching!

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