Important Encouragement and Information to Stay Connected!

3 years ago

Our Praise/Pray Calls!* Please note all Calls unless listed differently are  (605) 468-8036 access code 420217#.
Here's the hours & days ALL on CST time zone:
8 pm-10 pm - Geraldine Womack & Olga Santana  602-610-2093
Conference Code
Tuesday: 7-9 am Geraldine Womack  & Chela Day
11am-Noon Jewel Johnson Mary Karling Tilly Clements
Wednesday: 11 am -Noon Mary Karling Otilia Villa Sillas-Clements Jewel Johnson
8 pm- Sandra Kovacs
Worship Call
(971) 224-6573 access code 378474
Thursday: 7:07-9 am Rhonda Harkins
2-3 pm Lori Larson
8 pm-10 pm - Chela Day & Olga Santana 1-602-610-2093
Conference Code
*ALL other Praise/Pray Calls are (605) 468-8036 access code 420217#.
GoD is on every call and He is always speaking and listening! Please join us for Victory!!

If we have no way to communicate we will pray @7 am Noon and 7 pm CST for each other daily.
Prayer is the most powerful form of communication!
Be Sober in October

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