That’s not a Freedom Convoy, that’s a fringe element with unacceptable ideas we can't live without

2 years ago

Justinflation Trudeau has had CSIS declare the truckers to be a threat to national security while accusing them of potentially "radicalizing" people. Trudeau has been removed to a remote location where he will be "safer", the simpering, mewling quim. So, it's now "radical" to expect our PM and his government to follow the letter of the law as defined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. You know who is radicalizing people? The Prime Minister of Canada, that's who!
It's #DrGadSaad's truth as revealed in his book, “The Parasitical Mind”. Our ruling class (because that is what they are) have been infected with ideological mind worms which is the source of their psychopathology!
The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense
The legacy media's anti working-class rhetoric and the false narrative being propagated by the "woke" elite who are obviously tools for some far broader global agenda, are crumbling.
Yesterday a battle was won, but the war against the elite is far from over. If you're searching for unacceptable views look no further than the ones the cultural elite and governing elite are pedalling like pushers to junkies. Minds are inflamed by the irrational belief that this elite class who are fleecing the working class like sheep to be shorn are wiser than we are even as they crater the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Expect an enormous pushback against our attempts to restore civil order. They control the press, they're deep in bed with the tech giants and big pharma, they fund our universities, they own the police and military. Yesterday was happy and peaceful, what is yet to come may well prove to be one enormous show of force from those who demand our obedience to their arbitrary dictates as opposed to a constitutionally limited government under the Rule of Law. Our oligarchical class has become a law unto themselves!
We have to live with the dangerous Freedom Convoy fringe. But politicians don’t have to lend them support support.html?fbclid=IwAR3IJxplLv02KeWbI24GVFNFhhGBMhRvMFYuEO-pucIKRsnZs5k1rH8_1-o

So according to the legacy media our politicians are not obliged to listen to the concerns of Canadian citizens. This is why I assert it is impossible for anyone to see reality outside of their conceptualization framework. But how did these ideas become so prevalent among our cultural and governing elite?
Yet yesterday was a party. When would Antifa or Black Lives Matter ever hold a celebration of belonging to the broader community and mutual togetherness like this with thousands singing our national anthem at the top of their lungs in front of parliament while first nations drummers added their ancient songs to the revelry while burning sage and tobacco for cleansing? Yes this nation needs cleansing from radical ideology which seeks to tear down and tear us apart even as we unite and restore the meaning of freedom to Canada!
But where did the ideology which possessed the elite originate and what is its purpose? What is the source for their conceptual framework such that they literally see the world and human interactions in such peculiar light?
Enter Jurgen Habermas and his take on Cultural Marxist Critical Theory. Critical theory is a social theory oriented toward critiquing and changing society as a whole. … Critical theories aim to dig beneath the surface of social life and uncover the assumptions that keep human beings from a full and true understanding of how the world works.

Simply so what is Habermas’s critical theory? In the 1960s, Habermas, a proponent of critical social theory, raised the epistemological discussion to a new level in his Knowledge and Human Interests (1968)

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