How To Plan A Website Structure - DEFINITELY Include These Pages! @TenTonOnline

2 years ago

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how to plan a website structure

Have you figured out what pages you should include on your online business's website yet? One of the most important early steps is to outline and figure out what pages you'll need.

Very often, I'll work all this out on paper ahead of time -- what pages are needed, what should be included on each page, this sort of stuff. And there really is no set process to do this. There's no right or wrong to just go with whatever method works for you.

And you know what? If you skip this important step of outlining your web pages first -- and hey, I know it's exciting to just jump into the "web building stage" -- then what happens is, you wind up doing a lot of back-tracking and redoing things. Trust me, I speak from experience!

So literally, just sit down and take some time to figure this stuff out. Maybe take a look at what other websites in your same market are doing. What pages do they include? And what sorts of things do they include on those pages?

I'll bet that after checking a few sites out, you'll start to see some patterns of similar pages and similar content. You can use this as a blueprint or a starting point if you like.

At a minimum, you'll obviously need a Home page. You'll also need an About page, a Contact page, and some kind of page to feature your products and / or services.

If you have a lot of products that you're offering, then this page could serve as a sort of "landing page" for all your main product categories...that then branch off into sub-category pages or specific product pages.

Beyond this, you may also have an FAQ page, a page for a blog, and maybe some other specialized pages. A Privacy Policy page and a Terms Of Service page are also good to include. The pages you include really depends on the kind of online business website you're building.

You may have member-only areas for example, or a page where visitors can request a free quote, and so on. The important thing here is to figure all this stuff out ahead of time. Map it out. I always do this on paper, but that's just me.

Go with whatever works for you. You might list pages out, or maybe you draw some kind of flowchart, or do some mind-mapping. Don't get hung up on one specific method over another...again, just go with whatever works for you and map out the pages you'll need to build.


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