Klaus Schwab's Davos 2016 - How can we finance the Sustainable Development Goals?

3 years ago

Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland sits on the board of trustees of the World Economic Forum (WEF), which advocates “stakeholder capitalism.”


Davos 2016 - How can we finance the Sustainable Development Goals?

The UN Sustainable Development Goals present an ambitious agenda. It requires substantial increases in available capital in order to deliver that agenda. Especially emerging markets face a funding shortfall to fund long-term assets that carry high risks for private capital markets. This press conference explores new ways to financing.

-Bertrand Badre, Chief Financial Officer, World Bank Group; Managing Director, World Bank, Washington DC; Global Agenda Council on Sustainable Development.
-Chrystia Freeland, Minister of International Trade of Canada; Young Global Leader Alumnus.
-Donald Kaberuka **, Hauser Leader-in-Residence, Harvard University, USA; President, African Development Bank (2005-2015); Global Agenda Council on Africa.

Moderated by Georg Schmitt, Lead, Corporate Affairs and Foundations, World Economic Forum.

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