Protector Symposium 4.0

2 years ago

⚜️I'm still stoked about the Protector Symposium 4.0, it was undoubtedly one of the best events I have hosted and been to. We were fortunate to learn from all the expert speakers, and train at world-class facilities like Homestead, Florida. @homesteadtrainingcenter
The participants had the opportunity to get in-depth training by five globally recognized experts who regularly instruct some of the most elite fighting forces on earth within their given subjects and fieldcraft.
The list of instructors included Tony Sentmanat, Jared Wihongi, Mike Pannone, Craig Douglas and Lt. Col. Dave Grossman. The unique feature of this event is that it just doesn't focus on training on the range but it also underlines the importance of learning the soft skills.
Special thanks to everyone who supported this operation from the instructors, to the volunteers to the range staff and personnel… I simply cannot do these things without all of you. Thank you!
If you've missed this opportunity you can still download the digital replay and take your career to the next level.

Protector by nature and by trade
Byron Rodgers

⚜️PS4 iNSTRUCTORS include:
⭕️ @realworld_tactical
⭕️ @jaredwihongi
⭕️ @southnarc
⭕️ @the_real_cttsolutions
⭕️ Lt. Col. David Grossman

⚜️PS4 current sponsors
⭕️ @as3driving
⭕️ @epaccess
⭕️ @aspis_protection_service
⭕️ @swarovskioptik_hunting
⭕️ @devtac
⭕️ @warrior_mindset_alliance

💥💥💥💥🔥🎫Get your digital replay now for the PS 4.0
👉 👈🔥💥💥💥💥

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