RIP Cirsten W Video No 9

3 years ago

Cirsten W passed away earlier this month. May she rest in peace. She was a great truther and I loved her commitment to the cause. She is missed by many.

About me: Once a month or so I highlight channels, creators, and/or events that the general public may find interesting in present times regarding current events. Was that redundant? I also read stories that are sent by you-fiction, nonfiction, scary, supernatural, ghost, generally entertaining. And depending on what it is, let's discuss it afterwards and you guys decide if you think the story is true or not; and I'll pin the answer after a few days. :) And I want to start trying to help us all process everything that is going on in the world, especially people that are red-pilled and freaked out or confused.

All my videos are for entertainment purposes only. If there is an issue with copyright (or anything else for that matter), please contact me so we can get it straightened out.

If you want me to read YOUR story, real or fiction, email me at or

I will be back soon to showcase another truther. In the meantime, keep the faith, spread kindness, and God Bless! And please subscribe and share! xoxo

I have a rumble account! Please like and subscribe there also. Thanks!

Oh and please go to my Odysee and subscribe also!'TeawithSpunkySparky:c/Welcome-to-Spillin'-Tea-with-Spunky-Sparky-720p:4

Lastly, I have more truther info on my blog:

God Bless and don't forget to spread kindness!

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