GTA Modder - dengzhijian666 - 30/01/22

2 years ago

Player: dengzhijian666 and a name change to Geeene
Region: Oceanic
Exploits: God Mode, Name Removial, Rapid fire explosive, invincible vehicles

Here is a prime example of the problems in GTA had this guy randomly kill me and I noticed he was wiping out the entire server. after i got him off the opressor he jumped into a karuma and continued just focusing me. I annoyed him so much that he tried to get a akula out to which he couldn't fly to save his life. so many hits on him no health lose at all no vehicle damage. He was there with no risk just to screw with everyone else's game. While uploading this clip i noticed the the mugger and merryweather I had sent after this player was unable to go after a completely different name geeene in an effort to get away from his ban.

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