Bible Study With Jairus-Revival is coming to China Version 2

2 years ago

Revival is Coming to China
A Message for the Body of Christ
Sean Song, March 11, 2021

A Miracle Baby
By 2015, I had been in the United States for 13 years and a Christian for the same amount of time. In 2006, I married my wife, and like many other Chinese couples, we had every intention of building a family. However, by 2015 we approached 10 years of barrenness. We wanted a child, but we simply could not have one. In search of healing for my wife’s infertility, I traveled to many cities within the US to join healing and prophetic conferences.

A final visit to an Elijah List conference in Oregon in January 2016 sealed the deal for me. There, a well-known prophet named Dutch Sheets spoke to the crowd and said, “Today, you come here not by coincidence. It is God who leads you here and from today on, you will hear God speaking to you like you never have before.” I believed these words. During our lunch break, I wandered to a nearby store and entreated of the Lord to speak to me. When I sat down in a chair outside of a Christian bookstore, my eye caught a Peanuts calendar sitting on display. The cover said, “Peanuts 2016 Family Planner.” Suddenly, God spoke clearly to me: “2016, plan your family; you will have a child this year.” I was astonished! I had never heard God speaking to me so clearly, and He just said I was going to have a child that year! I immediately called my wife and she encouraged me to buy the calendar as a memorial.

Meanwhile, I went back to China to visit my family in February 2016. My mother, who still worshiped Buddha, had been desperately praying to all kinds of idols to help us have a baby. I had been trying to preach the Gospel to her since 2003 but with trivial effect. Months later back in the USA, we continued waiting for our miracle. One day in desperation, I prayed, “Dear Holy Spirit, those people in Pentecostal churches always teach that we should have an intimate relationship with you. Now, I have prayed to both the Father and Jesus many times and I do not know when this [pregnancy] is going to happen. Can you ask the Father and Jesus for me when this will happen?”

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