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Ukraine & Russia + Biden = Collusion ?

2 years ago

Biden says he'll send Troops and then says I won't send Troops?
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It's been reported that the Biden family has received 31 Million from China and a few Million from Russia, Ukraine, and who knows what other countries, individuals or companies, so ask yourselves what's really going on here, is this like when Obama told Putin I'll be able to do a better deal after the election?

Biden turned Afghanistan into a Total Disaster in both Lives Lost, People left behind, and 86 Billion in Equipment left behind, and now it appears his indecision could lead to no help for Ukraine by the U.S. or any of NATO which I'm sure they'd like nothing better as they continue to make Russia more of an Ally than the U.S., that is until they may find themselves at odds with Russia and coming running back to the U.S. when there's trouble.

My thoughts with all of you while watching some reporting on the struggle between Russia and the Ukraine, and What does the Press want us to Believe?

Question; Is this just more Political Theater arranged for the American people so we'll think about this rather than All the Problems we have here at home, like the Economy, Border, Schools, Parental Rights etc., etc., etc., and especially since it seems so difficult to get our NATO Allies to join us in showing a United Front, but that shouldn't be a big Surprise when Biden said he has no intention of having our troops Fight and now says he's not even going to send any.

Response to Question; This Crisis however proves one thing, it exposes how quickly the War Machine in the USA came out swinging with most in the GOP ready to go to War along with most Socialist Democrats and reinforces what President Eisenhower warned the USA about some 60 years ago, which I've written and spoken of many times, the Industrial / Governmental Industrial Military Complex stands ready to send Arms and Our Children into another Stupid Unnecessary War.

I believe this will End with a Deal so we won't' get into a War if there's really even a threat of one, and Biden's Polls numbers would change overnight which he needs desperately, as Dems running for office won't even appear with Biden Fearing Losing Votes in their Races as Biden's #'s continue Falling.

I hope you'll contact your Representatives and Senators in DC and tell them No More of Our Children or $$$$$$$$$$'s are to be spent on Wars that their Lobbyist Friends, Special Interest Groups and themselves benefit with from Donations or Jobs for family, friends or themselves once they leave office, time to tell them what to do, rather them leading us into another Unneeded War, costing us Family.

I hope you'll all realize this Post is strictly a Theory, however I do believe it's one that's very possible, as all we need to do is follow the MONEY TRAIL, from Russia and Ukraine to the Bidens, and Wake Up as to how those in Power use anything they can to influence those they govern, as usual they're on the inside pulling all the strings to get the results they need.

America Wake Up, the Old Political Guard of both Parties sold out to the Industrial Military & Government Complex Decades ago if not a Century or more and we need to get Control of All Agencies and Depts. and End what could be their Ability to Enslave US, rather than to serve us, we hope this doesn't frighten or disturb you, however time to realize that those in charge for the most part haven't been serving us for quite some time, so when you look for someone to Vote for find out where they stand on these Issues no matter the Office they're now running for, as history has proven many of them find ways to Work their Way up the Politically Corrupt Ladder.

We're in a Political Civil War of GOOD vs. Evil / U.S.A.'s Shadow Marxist Government and this includes those in the Republican Party who vote with the Socialist continuing funding for Biden's Plans, and the choices you make in the 2022 Primary election cycle are critical to the outcome of All Americans Rights, Freedoms & Liberties, and the One Tool we have is to speak out against it, and find others in our midst who'll run for office to remove the Career Politicians concerned about their Careers and not Our God Granted Rights and Freedoms.

America was founded on Christian Biblical Principles, however what has been taking place over past Decades in the Church has helped lead us into this present danger in DC, and many State Governments as well, so unless those called by His Name Repent and Turn from their Wicked Ways so God can Heal their Land our futures are doomed, how much Farther will Believers in the USA Fall before Waking Up and once again forming a Black Robe Movement in America?

We want to Thank those on the AZ Corp. Commission for Standing up with the Residents of Sun City and Sun City West for protecting all of us from EPCOR, this past week and keeping us out of the Consolidation move, this will save all of us $$$$$$, not to mention we actually received a 5 to 0 Victory, it's been worth the 3 year Battle to Win this Victory, so Celebrate, so Please call the AZ. Corp. Comm., and thank O'Connor, Olsen, Peterson, and the Two Democrats as well for Defending Our God Granted Rights by bringing this up for a vote, encouraging others to Stand Up For Our Us as well, Please Call: AZ Corp. Commissioners Office. ( 602) 542-3026 to Thank them.
We also post on https://rumble.com/account/content?type=all, https://mewe.com, https://codias.com,https://, gab.com, https://parler.com, Freetalk45.com, and of course our website: https://www.vanscrossroads.com/, as we reach out to new sources and insure against being blocked by the Socialist Media Giants.

God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk


  • 0/2000
  • & money from China.

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