Shteigin' There: Episode 12 (Excerpt)

2 years ago

#reality bending, epic talmudic arguments between the sages Rebbe Eliezer and Rebbe Yehoshua have intrigued, educated, and instilled #yirasHaShem into the students of the #Torah #talmideichachamim for over 2,000 years – chek dis #pashut #shteig as we grab the words of our #sages from the #ancient text of tractate #sanhedrin 97b/98a when R' Eliezer & R' Yehoshua bring source after source to try and determine whether the geulah #redemption will only come if the nation of Israel does #teshuva #repentance or if there is a set time that it must occur, and therefore does not depend on #repentance

#pashutherenstein #yeshivasgeulasshaul #ygs #shmuelherenstein #pashut26 #superchill #superchillistheresistance #geulahpatterns #machlokes #rebbeeliezerbenhorkanus #rebbeyeshoshua

Full Episode:

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