64 01 26 0295C STS ~ John 1:5-13; Heb 2:14 - Jan 26 1964 - Dr. Wierwille KJV bible teaching english

2 years ago

Scripture Index: John 1:5-13; Hebrews 2:14
Well bless God, there ought to be some light in Dayton and in New Knoxville, New Bremen, right? And all hell can't put that out. All the darkness in the world can't put it out. It's wonderful! Well not preaching so we'll get along now verse six.

John 1:6 There was a man sent from God whose name was John the same came for a witness to bear witness of the light.

Who is the light? God. When we get to Jesus I'll let you know. We haven't arrived yet. Pardon [background noise] Yeah sure you already know all these answers. I don't know why you come on Sunday night. Hey we're going to get to you after a bit because the word thelma is used in this text. Yeah? [background noise] You haven't. I thought of that this afternoon when I was working on this. I had never told you about thelma. What thelma - do you know what the word thelma means? Do you know what the name thelma means? [Laughter] All right.

Verse 7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light [who is God], that all through him [through God] might [do what?] believe.

[Verse 8] He was not that Light [He was not that God], but was sent [was sent] to bear witness of [God that was the true] light.

[Verse 9] [God] was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

How does it light every man that cometh into the world? By the revealed Word of God. Old testament that's how it lightened every man that came into the world. Do you know that the true light - the Word of God still lights every man even the unbeliever? Without the true light of the Word of God there would be total darkness. That's why it's still lights even for the unbelievers. https://youtu.be/fVt8K-IXxBg

He was in the world - Did I read verse 9? Yes?

[Vere 10] He was in the world...

Firsthand - How was he in the world? God? How was God in the world? By the revealed Word - by the revealed Word.

[Verse 10 continued] And the world was made by [who? by God.]

This again agrees with Genesis doesn't it?

[Verse 10 cont] and the world knew him [what?] not.

Verse 11 He [God. - He God] came unto [what?] His own...

Who are His own? Israel, right.

[Verse 11] and his own [Israel] received Him [what?] not.

Verse 12 But as many as received him [How? Via the revealed Word and the prophets. as many as received [God via the revealed Word and the prophets] even to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.

Now here, we have to go to work.

But as many as received him via the revealed Word in the prophets to them gave He power. The word power is the word authority. It is not that word dunamis or energamata and so forth that I teach in the class. Entirely different words.

To them gave he the authority, the right - the right - R-I-G-H-T - to become, to become children of God to them that continue believing on his name. That's the text.

Boy oh boy you better get that down because that's really something. Here we go. I'll try again okay? Now as many as received him then comes the explanation which is via the revealed Word and prophets - that's not in the text you know, that's explanation - to them gave He authority, or right, to become children or sons of God (whichever one you like to use the Greek word is the word tekna {Dr. says theos}) to them, to them. Now in your King James it says that believe, right? Sons of God to them that believe on His name. The text literally should be translated to them who continue believing... On is the word eis - eis the preposition eis.

Uh unto - unto uh Euclid the mathematician uses this word constantly matter of fact he's a real brain in the usage of prepositions because all prepositions are mathematically accurate in the bible and Euclid - you've got a Euclid avenue up there someplace in Cleveland. Got one over in Dayton I believe. Here is the point you want to go to. Here's the point you want to arrive at. Euclid uses this mathematical thing as this would be starting point it'd go all the way through till it reached that - that's unto it. To them who continue believing unto his name.

Do you get this? He had Israel, right? And Israel only stayed saved as long as they kept on what? Believing. That's what it's talking about. That's why it's so important. They were not sons of God by birth, they were sons of God by what? Adoption. And God adopted Israel when they believed. When they believed He reckoned righteousness unto them and it's unto, unto - eis - unto right into unto, unto way through on His name, God's name.

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