Freedom Trucker Convoy 2022: A message to the Truckers and Trudeau from Alberta Children.

3 years ago

The clip is short but meaningful because it comes from inside of the truck that our father and grandfather drive. We really regret not packing up and joining the convoy because just like the health care workers and truckers, we have a lot to say.
We are young musicians that drove 700Km every Monday to study at an Academy for Young Artists in Calgary, played in chamber groups, attended masterclasses with world renowned artists, had sessions with a collaborative pianists, had in person regular lessons, played in orchestras and suddenly, almost nothing.
And so we ask. If we don't do certain things now, then when? This is our time in life to work hard to develop our skills. We also made the choice to remain healthy, risk free. Speaking of health, we are serious swimmers but now, unable to swim.
Our parents are first generation immigrants to this beautiful country and it boggles their mind that their own children, even before reaching University age, would be facing the same challenges that they escaped from, the inability to study and travel.
We all agree that shutting down the voices of those who wanted to tell the world of the horrors that happened in Ukraine during the Holodomor, or events in China or Rwanda, was wrong. So why is it okay to shut down the voices of those speaking out today? Well, Mr. Trudeau answered that question a couple of days ago when he said "the small frindge minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa, or who are holding unacceptable views that they are expressing ... " No Mr. Trudeau, those are only views. Your views and our views are only views.
Mark Twain says: Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform or pause and reflect.
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